Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Fun with Place Value

We have been working hard in place value during Math Workshop.  We have been learning to count, represent, and talk about numbers in terms of tens and ones.

Our mathematical practices are really coming along:

(Note Puzzled Penguin's talking bubbles: "I did not know that," and "Ohh!"  Too cute!)

Working as a group to count a number in terms of tens and ones.
Here, they are labeling the parts of the number.

Build to 101
Our First Graders roll a die and take the number of ones or tens to represent that number.  They add it to their place value mat, count the number, and write it.  Then each student reports his/her number to the group by using a math talk card and the language tens and ones.  The first to reach 101 wins!

Listen to our math talk during Place Value Cover Up:

Want to practice place value at home?  Check our our math learning links and play the games under Number and Operations in Base Ten.

Items of Note for Next Week:
* Addition and Subtraction Strategies quizzes will go home on Monday.  Take a look and talk them over with your child.  
* We are in need of Dolch Volunteers for next week.  Please sign up here if you can help: Dolch Volunteer Sign Up
The following times will work: Wednesday at 2:00 pm, Thursday morning or 2:00 pm, and Friday morning or 2:00 pm.  Thank you!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Enjoy Mid-Winter Break!

I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable mid-winter break!  Thank you to all of the families who planned, supported, and attended our Valentines Day celebration.  Here are some pictures from our celebrations last week:
101 Day of School!

Valentines Crafting

Looking for ideas to keep your child busy over the break?  Here's a few:
* Compass Learning
* Raz-Kids
* Daily reading
* Arts & crafts

Here are a few parent links for you all:

See you in a week!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Snow Day Activities: Compass Learning Assignment

Hello Families,

I hope everyone is staying safe and warm on our snow day.  Maybe even building a few snowmen or snow forts?!

Need some activities to keep your child busy today?  Consider working on your Valentines Mailbox! I have also assigned our Compass Learning Math Models assignments for this week.  Students will be working on adding and subtracting by making a ten first.  This is a tricky strategy, so I recommend that your child start to learn about it today via Compass Learning.
This assignment is listed as  "+-Making a Ten."

A few notes for this week:
* Remember Wednesday is a Delayed Start.  School begins at 10:19 am for students.
* I will be out of the classroom on Thursday and Friday of this week.  Any last minute changes for dismissal on these days should be directed to the Office.  Thank you!
* Monday, Feb. 9th is our music concert rehearsal.  If you have not yet submitted your child's permission slip, please do that as soon as possible.  Thank you!

In math, we have been transitioning into our study of Place Value.  Here are a couple videos for your to enjoy: