Thursday, November 6, 2014


A few housekeeping items of note...

Compass Learning
Each week, your child will have at least one Compass Learning assignments to complete for homework.  This week, it is an Odds and Evens lesson and quiz listed on the homework log.  Remember, I will also place Second Grade activities of similar topic; but those are not required.  If you don't get to an assignment one week or aren't able to complete it, please return to the assignment at a later date.  If you have any problems or concerns with accessing at home, please send me an email.

Scholastic Book Orders
Our next Scholastic Book Order was listed as being due tomorrow.  Since I am only reminding you of this now, I will extend the ordering through the weekend.  Please have orders placed by Monday, November 10th.  Place orders here: and use one-time classroom activation code HHRCH. This is a great way to get well-priced books to build your child's home reading library.  You can also access the link under "Parent Links" in our sidebar ---->

Dolch Words
We are in need of continued support of our Dolch Word system.  Please sign-up to volunteer if you can.  I am already noticing a great difference in each child's reading and writing of these words - so it's working! :)  However, without the support of family volunteers, I will not be able to continue the system.  THANK YOU to the families who have already volunteered.
Remember, the link to our sign-up is in "Parent Links" in the sidebar --->

I choose Thursday for various reasons.  It is best to have it on the same day each week so that students have equal days to practice words.  However, if this day is inconvenient for volunteering, we can be flexible.  I am thinking Wednesdays, Thursday afternoons, and Fridays can also work.  If students are practicing Dolch Words daily at home, a day or so different shouldn't matter too much.
So, that being said, sign up using the Sign-Up Genius for each week, and if you need to adjust the time/day just send me an email.  Thank you!!

Classroom Donations
We are in need of a few items.  If you are willing and able, we could use:
3 x 5 white index cards
Hand-sanitizer (bottles with a pump top)
Extra snacks (individually wrapped)

As a classroom, we have been talking a lot lately about taking on our own responsiblity.  Our classroom rules are as follows:
1.  Listen to the speaker with our whole body.
2.  Follow directions the first time.
3. Take care of materials.
4.  Do your best!
5.  Be nice and help each other.
6.  Make safe choices.

We have been talking about how we all have to commit to these rules each and every day so that everyone can learn and so that we can keep our classroom a productive place.  It is each person's responsibility to take care of this themselves.  So we talked about how we can do that.  We came up with some ideas:
*Stay focused
*Just do the right thing
*Be a leader
*Set a good example
*Make smart choices for myself
*Make it your job
*Listen to reminders from others
*Don't be silly or mess around
*Take responsibility for our own learning

With these conversations, I have really been hoping to shift the focus to students taking on more independence and responsibility.  At this point in the school year, I expect students to need less reminders from me and less teacher-management of behavior.  I look forward to seeing our First Graders blossom!  Please continue these conversations at home with your child as well.

Now for FUN!  Here are some pictures from our Halloween Party.  Thank you to everyone to planned and attended!

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