Welcome back, and I hope everyone had a restful and happy break.
We are jumping back into the swing of things in First Grade!
Math: This week we will continue to work on addition strategies. We have been working on learning the "doubles facts" (i.e. 4 + 4 = 8) and learning to use doubles facts when we see a "doubles plus one" fact. For example, if we see 4 + 5, we can think of 4 + 4 = 8 to help us and then just add one to find the total (8 + 1 = 9). We also begin to study word problem solving steps: 1) visualize the problem, 2) retell the problem, 3) underline key words & circle key numbers, 4) solve the problem using a strategy, 5) write the equation, 6) label your answer, and 7) check your work. Please use these steps when completing the homework for Thursday (and please do not complete before that point).
Reading: This week we will continue to explore how schema (things we know and have experienced) supports our reading and we will begin to explore making connections while reading.
Word Study: New Words Their Way groups start tomorrow! Remember this work focuses on internalizing the sounds and patterns in words. Your child will receive his/her sort for home tomorrow (note it is NOT attached to the log this week). Please keep a look out for the sort and support your child in completing word sort activities at home this week.
Loose your pink sheet and need a reminder as to how to practice the sort at home? Click the Literacy tab above and scroll down for the activities and descriptions.
Science: This week we begin our study of insects! Today we brainstormed our schema about insects and drew/wrote about one insect we know in our science journals. Visiting the library with your child soon? Search for books on insects to support your child's learning at home! :)
Compass Learning: I have slightly changed the homework log to reflect a section for Compass Learning. This week, it does not matter which day your child completes the Compass Learning activity and quiz (1 Digit Addition).
A couple of tid-bits for this week:
* I will be out of the classroom this Friday, December 5th. Any changes in dismissal plans on that day will need to be communicated through the Office. Thank you!
* CALLING ALL DOLCH WORD VOLUNTEERS: I am in need of Dolch Volunteers this week and for the remainder of December. Please sign up here if you can help: Dolch Volunteer Sign-Up.
Remember, you may come in alternative days/times (Wednesday through Friday). If you can help, please sign-up and then email me to arrange the time. Thank you!!!
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