This week, Beverly students attended an informational assembly regarding Beverly Enrichment Programs. An informational pamphlet and some permission slips will go home with your child tomorrow. There are some great opportunities for First Grade students. The video above explains the programs.
Reminders for TOMORROW:
* Students can wear MSU or U of M spirit gear to school!
* ALL students need to bring a lunch to school tomorrow.
* Students should dress accordingly for the farm field trip tomorrow.
Tomorrow, your child's NWEA Report will also be coming home. Click here to view more information about this online assessment. This is just one form of assessment that we use as teachers and it is a snap-shot of how your child performed in September.
This video may also help to explain your child's progress report. We can discuss this information further at conferences in November.
School Start Time
The first bell rings at 8:44 am. At that time, First Grade teachers meet students and walk them down to the classroom. We begin learning right away! :) We take care of our materials and get started with practicing Dolch Words, Word Study sorts, Book Shopping, and reading. This is an important time for students to get settled in for the school day and to practice important skills and routines. By 9:05, we are cleaning up in order to start Morning Meeting, which is quickly followed by Math Workshop.
When students frequently arrive late, even by 5 minutes, it is difficult for them to complete these important morning routines on time. For example, book shopping (a student's time to select books to read for the week) happens one day per week for each student; if that student is late to school, he/she misses that time that is needed to select books and it pushes into other valuable time in the day. Please make every effort to get your child to school on-time - ready to walk down with the class each morning at 8:44. Thanks for your support and commitment to our classroom.
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