Thursday, March 5, 2015


A few days late of my goal but here's this week's update!

MATH:  In math we dabbled in some 2 digit-addition early this week by using base ten blocks.  We will return to this tricky topic.  We have also been continuing to work on the idea of ten more and ten less.  This week we also started our Geometry Unit!  We learned to identify open and closed shapes and to identify a shapes sides and corners.  In thinking about the sides, we learned there are different types of lines that make up the sides of shapes: straight, curved, and slanted.
Explore sides, corners, and lines.

 Place Value Puzzles

Ten More, Ten Less Puzzles

WRITING:  In writing we have been working on adding to our how-to writing pieces.  We used the questions how?, where?, and why? to add to each step.  We learned to add a closing, a tip,  and labels to the pictures to be more clear.

WORD STUDY:  First Grade groups met again this week.  Have you been working on your sorts at home?  Remember go here for ideas.

READERS WORKSHOP:  This week we learned what to do when the buddy we are reading with makes a mistake.  We can say, "Check that!"  Then we can talk about what makes sense, sounds right, and looks right.  When your child makes a mistake reading at home, try saying, "Check that!" to start the conversation.
We also began a new adventure in our study of non-fiction.  We began insect research projects!  We all chose insects we are interested in learning more about.  We thought about what we already know and what we wonder about that insect.  Then, we began reading about it!  This week, we searched our books for information about the food our insect eats and its body structures.  Our First Grade researchers really dove right in!

SOCIAL STUDIES:  This week we began exploring our maps.  Thank you for sending in so many wonderful examples.  I'm hanging onto them for a few more days as we continue to explore.  We have began noticing and learning about parts of the map, such as the Compass Rose, symbols, and the map key or legend.  We have also noticed that maps show all different kinds of places.  Want to continue the learning at home?  Check out Mapzone!

This is a place we use to recognize hard and above and beyond work in our classroom!  Congrats David, Parker, and Ella for your work this week!

*Friday, March 13th: Boys & Learning, Beverly Bobcat Parent Academy 8:00-8:45 AM, Art Room
*Monday, March 16th: Report Cards go home
*Thursday, March 19th: Student-Led Conference 1-4 & 5-8 pm (see email for more information).  This is a half-day of school.

*March is Reading Month: Readbox!
Please read the email flyer for a description but use the Beverly Media Center website to record books.

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