Sunday, March 1, 2015

Re-Capping 2/23-2/27

Our first week back was busy and successful!  We changed seats (always exciting) and dove right back into our learning.  Here's a re-cap:

MATH:  We continued our work around Place Value by learning how to write numbers in different ways, including expanded form (i.e. 45 = 40 + 5).  We also learned how to compare 2-digit numbers, to order numbers from least to greatest & greatest to least, to count by tens from any number using our 120 number grid (i.e. 2, 22, 32, 42, 52, 62. etc.), and to find 10 more and 10 less of a number.
 Writing Numbers in Different Ways

We also introduced a new routine into our daily math workshop: Fact Practice!  Our mathematicians choose a group of cards that work on a specific addition or subtraction strategy (i.e. doubles, tens partners, doubles plus 1, etc.).  Then they work with a partner or by themselves to review the facts quickly:
Take a listen:

WRITING:  We have been working on procedural non-fiction writing in our How-To unit.  We read how-to books to notice what elements our writing should have and generated ideas as to what we were experts in for our writing topics.  Then we learned to picture the steps and plan out the steps by staying them out-loud and touching and telling our paper.  We learned to sketch pictures to show each step and to use clear words while writing each step.

WORD STUDY:  This week we did some word study within our own classroom by learning about compound words.  Compound words are two words (that have their own meaning) being put together to form a new word (with new meaning).  These words go great along with our chunky monkey reading strategy!  We found compound words within our reading and practiced making and sorting compound words.  Want to continue the learning at home?  Click here to play some online compound word games!

READING WORKSHOP:  This week we focused on solving tricky words within our non-fiction reading.  We discussed 3 questions that can help us decide upon and check tricky words while we read:  What makes sense?  What looks right? and What sounds right?  We are becoming such skilled readers! :) As your child reads at home, make sure you incorporate these important questions into your word-solving.

SCIENCE:  This week our butterflies hatched out of the chrysalis!  We spent some time observing their adult form and writing about it.  We also observed the adult darkling beetle.  It has been really neat to see our insects grow and change.

* This week, I introduced some new positive behavior reinforcement in our classroom: Beverly Bobcat notes!  You may have seen these coming home:
Throughout the day I take the time to recognize students who are working hard to follow the rules of our classroom and to be a leader for others.  It's just a small way to recognize students and for you to know at home when your child is working so hard :)  These may be fridg-worthy!
* CLOSING MEETING:  We have changed our end of the day routine to incorporate a little more structure and a closing meeting.  This is a positive and fun way to bring an end to our day.  We may celebrate our accomplishments that day, play a fun game or activity, share about a component of our day, etc.  It's a great way to build community in our classroom and hopefully the kiddos have enjoyed it thus far! :)
*Each week, each Tuesday you can plan to see an update such as this that will give you a run-down of our week.  I hope this helps to keep you informed!

* We are beginning our Social Studies unit around Mapping.  We will begin by exploring examples of maps.  Please send some examples of maps from your home that we might take a look at by TUESDAY, MARCH 3RD.  Make sure to attach your child's name to the map, so that it may be returned.  Thank you!
* We are in need of some extra snacks for our classroom.  If you can donate and send in individually-wrapped packages of snack (i.e. pretzels, raisins, goldfish, crackers, etc.), that would be wonderful!  Thank you!
* Remember, this Friday, March 6th, is a half-day for students!

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