Monday, April 13, 2015


Welcome back, and I hope everyone had wonderful a Spring Break!

Here's what we are up to this week:

MATH:  This week, we are wrapping up our study of fractions and beginning our study of telling time.  As a part of the Common Core, First Graders need to be able to tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks.  This week, we will focus on learning about the clock (hour hand and minute hand) and learn to tell and write time to the hour.

WRITING:  We will continue our Author's Craft unit.  We will practice using our 5 senses, dialogue, and temporal words in our narrative stories.

WORD STUDY:  A new Words Their Way sort came home today for your child to practice throughout the week.  On the backside of the homework log, I added a description of each task your child should be doing with the sort at home.  You can also find that information here: Literacy.  It is important that your child practice writing the words from the sort each week.
We will also learn about nouns this week.  We will learn that a noun is a person, place, or thing and we will sort words by these categories.

READING WORKSHOP:  We will continue to learn how readers think about characters.  This week we learn to identify character traits.  We will pay attention to what our character does and says in order to name these traits.  As your child reads at home this week, use this character trait list as a part of your discussions!  Look for things the characters says and does that may match these traits.

SCIENCE/SOCIAL STUDIES:  Earth Day is next week!  This week, we will learn about our important planet and how we can take care of it by practicing the 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse, & Recycle.

Announcements & Important Dates:
*Thursday, April 16th:  All Yearbook Orders due!
Enter pay code 74118
Cost $18
*District Attendance Policy
FYI click here to view this important district policy regarding attendance.
*Dolch Word Volunteers:  We have volunteers for this week :)  But there are many open slots from now through the end of May.  Please sign-up here to volunteer!

Let's have a great week!

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