Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Does this week really take us to May?  Wow-ee!  Here's what we are up to this week:

MATH:  This week, we began studying Measurement.  We are working on comparing lengths of objects by aligning their endpoints.  We are using words like longer/est, shorter/est, and taller/est to describe length.  We will also notice the difference between lengths.

WRITING:  This week, we are working on fixing and fancying up our craft writing pieces.  We are also working on a district writing prompt that will be used for assessment purposes.

WORD STUDY:  No Words Their Way sorts this week!  We are assessing and re-grouping students.  But in our classroom, we have begun discussing contractions!  Click here to play online games at home!

READING WORKSHOP:  This week we began an Author's Meaning unit.  We are practicing noticing important things the author is trying to show us and tell us throughout the story.  We are digging deeper to discover and understand the underlying message of the story.  Today we read Little By Little by Amber Stewart & Layn Marlow and decided that author's message was that when you learn something new, sometimes you need to take small steps to get there.
Looking for positive messages to learn through reading at home?  Click here to see 50 Inspiring Children's Books!

SCIENCE:  This week we are exploring the properties of liquids.  Today we spent some time observing how different liquids are the same and different and how they move.  We generated some great words to describe their properties: clear, blurry, thick, watery, fast, slow, sticky, bubbly, and many more!  We will also observe how liquids take the shape of the container they are in - they do not have their own shape!

Important Dates & Announcements:
* Tomorrow, April 29th is a LATE START!  School begins at 10:19 am.

* We are in need of some supplies to get us through the end of the school year: glue sticks and handsanitzer.  Any donations would be appreciated!

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