Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Welcome to another week!  Here are our plans:

MATH:  This week, we are continuing our study of measurement.  This week, we are working with non-standard units (paperclips, dominoes, snap-cubes, etc.)  to measure the lengths of objects.  When measuring, we align the endpoints and make sure there are no gaps or overlaps in our units.  We are also noticing how non-standard units are different.  That is, when using smaller units, we need more of them to measure the object!  We will also work on finding the difference between measurements.  That is, if one object is 8 cubes long and another object is 6 cubes long, the difference is 2 cubes.

WRITING:  This week, we shared our fixed and fancied Author's Craft pieces with our classmates.  What interesting pieces!  This week, we are exploring list writing.  We are learning that writer's compose lists for different purposes and we are going to try some of those out!  We will learn that lists use a series of words or phrases, not sentences.  We will also notice how writer can use numbers or bullet points to write their lists.

WORD STUDY:  We began new word study groups this week!  Today, your child's weekly sort came home.  Practice, practice, practice! :)

READING WORKSHOP:  We are working on becoming more fluent readers this week.  We will practice reading smoothly and in phrases (not choppy like a robot), changing our voices to reflect punctuation, and reading with expression.
Learn how to support your child with reading fluency here!

SCIENCE:  This week, we are continuing to explore the properties of liquids and solids through these activities: floating and sinking, separating mixtures of solids through sorting & sifting, and comparing and contrasting.

Important Dates & Announcements:
* Wednesday, May 6th: ACES (All Children Exercising Simultaneously) - wear those gym shoes!
* Friday, May 8th:  NWEA Reading Test 2:00-3:00
* Thursday, May 14th: NWEA Math Test 2:30-3:30
* Friday, May 15th:  Beverly Talent Show
* We are in-need of a few supplies:  glue sticks& 4x6 index cards.  Donations are much appreciated!
Thank you to those who have already donated!

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