Sunday, May 31, 2015

Relative's Day!

Wow were our kiddos surprised when their relatives walked into the classroom! :)  Thank you for helping to make this special surprise event a success!  It was wonderful to have the relatives visit our classroom.  Take a look:

Field Day Fun!

We had tons of fun at Field Day!  Take a look:
Fireman's Relay!

Spoon Relay

First Graders!


Target Ball:

Parachute Games:

Balloon Toss:


Sack Races!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Welcome to another week!  Here are our plans:

MATH:  This week, we are continuing our study of measurement.  This week, we are working with non-standard units (paperclips, dominoes, snap-cubes, etc.)  to measure the lengths of objects.  When measuring, we align the endpoints and make sure there are no gaps or overlaps in our units.  We are also noticing how non-standard units are different.  That is, when using smaller units, we need more of them to measure the object!  We will also work on finding the difference between measurements.  That is, if one object is 8 cubes long and another object is 6 cubes long, the difference is 2 cubes.

WRITING:  This week, we shared our fixed and fancied Author's Craft pieces with our classmates.  What interesting pieces!  This week, we are exploring list writing.  We are learning that writer's compose lists for different purposes and we are going to try some of those out!  We will learn that lists use a series of words or phrases, not sentences.  We will also notice how writer can use numbers or bullet points to write their lists.

WORD STUDY:  We began new word study groups this week!  Today, your child's weekly sort came home.  Practice, practice, practice! :)

READING WORKSHOP:  We are working on becoming more fluent readers this week.  We will practice reading smoothly and in phrases (not choppy like a robot), changing our voices to reflect punctuation, and reading with expression.
Learn how to support your child with reading fluency here!

SCIENCE:  This week, we are continuing to explore the properties of liquids and solids through these activities: floating and sinking, separating mixtures of solids through sorting & sifting, and comparing and contrasting.

Important Dates & Announcements:
* Wednesday, May 6th: ACES (All Children Exercising Simultaneously) - wear those gym shoes!
* Friday, May 8th:  NWEA Reading Test 2:00-3:00
* Thursday, May 14th: NWEA Math Test 2:30-3:30
* Friday, May 15th:  Beverly Talent Show
* We are in-need of a few supplies:  glue sticks& 4x6 index cards.  Donations are much appreciated!
Thank you to those who have already donated!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Does this week really take us to May?  Wow-ee!  Here's what we are up to this week:

MATH:  This week, we began studying Measurement.  We are working on comparing lengths of objects by aligning their endpoints.  We are using words like longer/est, shorter/est, and taller/est to describe length.  We will also notice the difference between lengths.

WRITING:  This week, we are working on fixing and fancying up our craft writing pieces.  We are also working on a district writing prompt that will be used for assessment purposes.

WORD STUDY:  No Words Their Way sorts this week!  We are assessing and re-grouping students.  But in our classroom, we have begun discussing contractions!  Click here to play online games at home!

READING WORKSHOP:  This week we began an Author's Meaning unit.  We are practicing noticing important things the author is trying to show us and tell us throughout the story.  We are digging deeper to discover and understand the underlying message of the story.  Today we read Little By Little by Amber Stewart & Layn Marlow and decided that author's message was that when you learn something new, sometimes you need to take small steps to get there.
Looking for positive messages to learn through reading at home?  Click here to see 50 Inspiring Children's Books!

SCIENCE:  This week we are exploring the properties of liquids.  Today we spent some time observing how different liquids are the same and different and how they move.  We generated some great words to describe their properties: clear, blurry, thick, watery, fast, slow, sticky, bubbly, and many more!  We will also observe how liquids take the shape of the container they are in - they do not have their own shape!

Important Dates & Announcements:
* Tomorrow, April 29th is a LATE START!  School begins at 10:19 am.

* We are in need of some supplies to get us through the end of the school year: glue sticks and handsanitzer.  Any donations would be appreciated!

Monday, April 20, 2015

4/20 - 4/24

Welcome to a new week!  Here's what we will be up to:

MATH:  We will be working on understanding and telling time to the half-hour, using both the language two-thirty (2:30) and half past 2 o'clock.  Please practice both ways at home.  We build our understanding upon the minute-hand moving half-way around the clock to point to the 6, and today we counted the minutes it took to do that (30 minutes).  As the minute-hand does that, the hour-hand also moves half-way between the hours.   We will also work on elapsed time, or understanding how much time passes from one point to another.

WRITING WORKSHOP:  We are wrapping up our unit of Author's Craft.  This week, we work on adding ellipsis (or "dot, dot, dot") into our pieces to build suspense.  We will also work on crafting interesting leads and endings.  Then, it's on to "fixing and fancying" up!  With this piece, we will place a lot of emphasis on editing for proper capitalization and punctuation.

READING WORKSHOP:  We are finishing up our study of characters this week!  Today we spent some time noticing how character's feelings change throughout the story.  We will also explore how characters encounter problems in the story and the solutions they use to solve them.  Bring these topics into your discussions as you read at home this week! :)

WORD STUDY:  A new sort came home today.  Keep practicing! :)  This week in our classroom we will also learn the difference between common and proper nouns.  We will practice writing proper nouns with a beginning capital letter.

SCIENCE/SOCIAL STUDIES:  This week, we will build upon our understanding of the 3 Rs and do a few Earth Day projects.  Check out the bulletin board outside our room later this week :)  We will also begin to explore our next science unit - States of Matter.

Important Dates/Announcements:
*EARTH WEEK! See email flyer from last week for details.
*We are in need of Dolch Word Volunteers this week!  If you can help out, please click here to sign up.  Thank you for your support!
*Wednesday, April 29th: DELAYED START - School begins at 10:19 am.

Monday, April 13, 2015


Welcome back, and I hope everyone had wonderful a Spring Break!

Here's what we are up to this week:

MATH:  This week, we are wrapping up our study of fractions and beginning our study of telling time.  As a part of the Common Core, First Graders need to be able to tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks.  This week, we will focus on learning about the clock (hour hand and minute hand) and learn to tell and write time to the hour.

WRITING:  We will continue our Author's Craft unit.  We will practice using our 5 senses, dialogue, and temporal words in our narrative stories.

WORD STUDY:  A new Words Their Way sort came home today for your child to practice throughout the week.  On the backside of the homework log, I added a description of each task your child should be doing with the sort at home.  You can also find that information here: Literacy.  It is important that your child practice writing the words from the sort each week.
We will also learn about nouns this week.  We will learn that a noun is a person, place, or thing and we will sort words by these categories.

READING WORKSHOP:  We will continue to learn how readers think about characters.  This week we learn to identify character traits.  We will pay attention to what our character does and says in order to name these traits.  As your child reads at home this week, use this character trait list as a part of your discussions!  Look for things the characters says and does that may match these traits.

SCIENCE/SOCIAL STUDIES:  Earth Day is next week!  This week, we will learn about our important planet and how we can take care of it by practicing the 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse, & Recycle.

Announcements & Important Dates:
*Thursday, April 16th:  All Yearbook Orders due!
Enter pay code 74118
Cost $18
*District Attendance Policy
FYI click here to view this important district policy regarding attendance.
*Dolch Word Volunteers:  We have volunteers for this week :)  But there are many open slots from now through the end of May.  Please sign-up here to volunteer!

Let's have a great week!

Monday, March 30, 2015

3/30-4/3 Updates

MATH:  We have been working hard on exploring geometry concepts!  Last week, we studied 3D shapes and their attributes (faces, edges, and vertices/corners).  We also learned to use 3D shapes to compose larger structures.  This week, we begin our study of fractions!  Today, we learned to identify equal and unequal parts of a whole.  We will also learn to identify halves and fourths/quarters and to divide circles, squares, and rectangles into these fractions.
I have added some online fraction games to our Math Learning Links under Geometry.  Check them out!

WRITING:  We have begun a new unit of Studying Author's Craft.  We have spent some time reading some wonderful examples of "crafty" writers and have been studying the little "tricks" they use in their writing to make it interesting.  We have also gathered some ideas for writing topics in our own Writer's Notebooks!  This week, we are choosing the best topic by thinking about 1) a moment we remember well, 2) a moment that is important to us, and 3) a moment our readers would enjoy.  We will plan our story and begin to experiment with author's craft!

WORD STUDY:  We are spending some time in our classroom learning and practicing blends and digraphs.  Does your child need some extra support?  Click here for a great way to build words at home.  Words Their Way sorts will start up again after Spring Break.

READING WORKSHOP:  We have started a new unit on studying characters!  We have all begun reading books about different characters: Curious George, Splat the Cat, Fly Guy, Katie Woo, Mercy Watson, Frog & Toad, Froggy, Little Critter, Biscuit, and more!  Here are the topics of our lessons thus far:
* Readers retell what happens to their character using words like first, next, then and last.
* Readers use what they know about their character to predict what will happen next.
* Readers figure out more about their character by spying on them throughout the story.
* Readers find out what their character likes and doesn't like.
For the remainder of the week, we will be thinking about how our character is feeling and we will imagine what our character is thinking throughout the story.

So how can you continue this study at home?  Visit the public library to check out some books about characters!  As your child reads at home, talk about the character in these ways :)

Tuesday, March 31st:
School Spirit Wear day!
Pop into a Good Book!
Celebrate the Arts 6:00-8:00 PM

Wednesday, April 1st:  Bright Colors day!

Thursday, April 2nd:  PJ Day!

Friday, April 3rd: NO SCHOOL followed by Spring Break!  Classes resume Monday, April 13th.

Monday, March 9, 2015

3/9 - 3/13

This week, we will have a busy week getting ready for student-led conferences next week!

MATH:  This week we are continuing to explore 2-D shapes.  We are learning how shapes are the same and different from each other.  We will also learn to make new shapes by combining other shapes.
Making triangles with different length sides

WORD STUDY:  For this week, word study lessons will begin on Tuesday (instead of Monday).  On Tuesday, your child will receive his/her home sort for home practice (it is not included in the homework log this week).  Keep an eye out!

This week, we are working on a special powerpoint presentation to present at our student-led conferences.  In this, each student is reflecting upon our subject areas.  We can't wait to present them to you next week!

READING:  This week, we are continuing our research on our insects.  We will research habitat, life cycle, and interesting facts about our insect.  Have your child check out Pebble Go at home to learn a little more about his/her insect.
WRITING:  This week we will begin taking our research about insects and compiling it into a non-fiction All About Book.  We will learn about the parts of an All About book and how to organize our information into chapters or sections.
HOME PROJECT:  Please see the homework log this week for a description of the INSECT MODEL project that will go along with your child's in-class work.  Your child may use a variety of materials to create this model at home: construction paper, papier-mâché, tissue paper, paints, clay, play dough, household items, etc.  We will display them at student-led conferences.  Get creative! :)
Researchers searching for information on beetle habitats

This week, we are working on creating maps of important places in our lives.  We will compile our maps in a book of maps to present to you at student-led conferences.  Your child will have two maps to create at home:  (1) Bedroom map & (2) Neighborhood map.  Check out the project description in your child's homework log.  To create these maps, your child will need to:
* include a map title
* consider space & location
* use symbols to represent other things
* create a map key to tell what symbols mean
* use important labels
If your child would like to do more maps to include in his/her book, please feel free to get creative! (I will send out the template via email for more copies).
Working on our first map:  A Map of our Hearts <3

*Monday, March 26th: Report Cards go home
*Thursday, March 19th: HALF DAY for Student-Led Conferences (1-4, 5-8 pm)
Remember, you are signing up for the initial 10 minute time-slot, which begin at the teacher center.  Then your child will lead you to other centers from there.  Please plan to attend for 30-40 minutes.
Click here to sign up!

Thursday, March 5, 2015


A few days late of my goal but here's this week's update!

MATH:  In math we dabbled in some 2 digit-addition early this week by using base ten blocks.  We will return to this tricky topic.  We have also been continuing to work on the idea of ten more and ten less.  This week we also started our Geometry Unit!  We learned to identify open and closed shapes and to identify a shapes sides and corners.  In thinking about the sides, we learned there are different types of lines that make up the sides of shapes: straight, curved, and slanted.
Explore sides, corners, and lines.

 Place Value Puzzles

Ten More, Ten Less Puzzles

WRITING:  In writing we have been working on adding to our how-to writing pieces.  We used the questions how?, where?, and why? to add to each step.  We learned to add a closing, a tip,  and labels to the pictures to be more clear.

WORD STUDY:  First Grade groups met again this week.  Have you been working on your sorts at home?  Remember go here for ideas.

READERS WORKSHOP:  This week we learned what to do when the buddy we are reading with makes a mistake.  We can say, "Check that!"  Then we can talk about what makes sense, sounds right, and looks right.  When your child makes a mistake reading at home, try saying, "Check that!" to start the conversation.
We also began a new adventure in our study of non-fiction.  We began insect research projects!  We all chose insects we are interested in learning more about.  We thought about what we already know and what we wonder about that insect.  Then, we began reading about it!  This week, we searched our books for information about the food our insect eats and its body structures.  Our First Grade researchers really dove right in!

SOCIAL STUDIES:  This week we began exploring our maps.  Thank you for sending in so many wonderful examples.  I'm hanging onto them for a few more days as we continue to explore.  We have began noticing and learning about parts of the map, such as the Compass Rose, symbols, and the map key or legend.  We have also noticed that maps show all different kinds of places.  Want to continue the learning at home?  Check out Mapzone!

This is a place we use to recognize hard and above and beyond work in our classroom!  Congrats David, Parker, and Ella for your work this week!

*Friday, March 13th: Boys & Learning, Beverly Bobcat Parent Academy 8:00-8:45 AM, Art Room
*Monday, March 16th: Report Cards go home
*Thursday, March 19th: Student-Led Conference 1-4 & 5-8 pm (see email for more information).  This is a half-day of school.

*March is Reading Month: Readbox!
Please read the email flyer for a description but use the Beverly Media Center website to record books.